Quick Start
Edit on GithubThis page is here to help you quickly set up an example site powered by Atomizer.
Playground #
To create a basic Atomic project, clone the atomizer repo:
git clone git@github.com:acss-io/atomizer.git
then run our simple example dev server:
npm install
npm run examples
This should open a page in your browser at http://localhost:3000
Now try this:
- Open the index page in a text editor
- Edit, add, or remove Atomizer classes in the markup (get help from the reference page)
- Save the file
The browser should reload the page, displaying all your changes. Check the atomic.css file to see that it only contains the rules for the classes that are being used in the project.
Configuration #
Atomizer allows you to define breakpoints, variables/custom values, and predefined classes in a JSON-formatted config file. Take a look at this example for more information on how configuration is used in Atomizer.
Next Steps #
From here, learn about Atomic CSS Architecture, read the FAQ, learn more about Atomizer classes and their syntax.
Please visit the Atomizer repository for more information.